Cactus Dish

Cactus and Succulent Dish Gardens are a beautiful way to express your creativity and uniqueness. They are slow to medium growing and change over time. They will typically throw off new growth which you can propagate into your own gardens. They last for years and decades.

How it Works

Fist you need to select a size and style for your planter. Small (6 plants); medium (9) plants and large 12 plants or more. As a practice we ‘plant’ extremely small, propagated plants that will, in a month or so pop up and show you the beauty of the life cycle of succulents and cactus. 

We also offer custom, unorthodox planters which include rock and wild, rough edge style woods. We can also design a handing garden if your surface space is limited or not near a light source.

You also need to decide the color planter you want. If you have a planter you would like us to use, we can work with you on that. We want you to be ecstatic with you new Garden. Finally, do you want dirt, sand or pebbles to line the top of the garden?

There are two (2) primary ways to populate and design your garden:

  1. We can design a beautiful garden where we select the plants. We typically would send you a picture before you come and picked it up.
  2. You can select plants from the attached image list and we can give you suggestions to make sure you get the nicest garden

Whatever you chose or decide, we look forward to working with you and welcoming you to the world of succulent and cactus dish gardens.